Autodrome exercise diagram for everyone. Various areas for driving lessons. Exercises on the race track are the basis of driving skills

From September 1, 2016, new rules for taking the test at the race track for novice motorists are being introduced in Russia.

Legislators, making changes to traffic rules, pursued the goal of increasing the level of safety on the roads, since, according to official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a greater number of accidents occur precisely due to the actions of inexperienced drivers. And people who have managed to take several classes in the theoretical part are now increasingly wondering how to pass the autodrome.

Unfortunately, driving school students not only have to drive correctly, but also be trained by a good instructor. The qualifications of the latter not least determine how the exam will go at the race track. Additionally, it is equally important to know what exercises will be expected.

New rules - elements on the circuit

In 2018, novice drivers must comply with the following passing rules:

  1. Stop and start going uphill.

To complete this exercise, you must start from the first mark marked on the route and press the brake pedal near the second, driving no more than one meter further than it.

  1. Entering the garage from the back.

Having stopped within a given line, the novice driver reverses into the garage. There he brakes, after which he takes the car back to the race track.

  1. Parallel parking.

The exercise is considered one of the most difficult. The driver needs to place the car at a certain point, then drive between imaginary cars and leave this area.

  1. Turning around in a confined space.

Considered one of the most simple exercises when passing exams at the race track. To pass it, the student must stop at a given point, and then turn around within the outlined territory. In this case, you are only allowed to shift the gear into reverse once.

New elements of the circuit

New elements that have been introduced for novice drivers when passing exams at the circuit:

  1. Rotate 90 degrees. Actions similar to the previous exercise are performed in a confined space.
  2. Driving through a road intersection. Applicable only on automated racing tracks.
  3. Riding like a snake. It is necessary to make turns left and right along a smooth trajectory.

It is important to note that only those who have passed the traffic rules knowledge test can enter the site.

To successfully pass driving on a race track, you will need to complete the first three exercises from the old rules and two from the new ones (chosen by the examiner).

Reasons for failure

It will be difficult to pass the race track in half a kick if a novice driver:

  1. Feels unsure of himself.

Driving on a race track, like any other test, often causes anxiety and excitement. Moreover, their appearance is often not affected in any way by the experience of a novice driver. To suppress feelings of anxiety before passing traffic rules or entering the race track, it is recommended to take sedatives.

  1. Inattention.

The second most common reason for failing your driving test. This is primarily explained by the fact that a novice driver has little experience, so it is difficult for him to concentrate on the road and on the road at the same time. road signs while eliminating distractions.

  1. Low level of training.

Passing the driver's license exam always begins with passing the race track.

The inspector, before allowing a newcomer onto city highways, needs to find out whether this person is actually able to cope with driving the car and whether he knows the rules of the road.

This approach reduces the likelihood of an accident due to driver actions.

Exam preparation

So how to pass the exam? First of all, you need to prepare for it by performing a number of fairly simple steps:

  1. Choose suitable clothes.

Beginners are advised to wear shoes with thin soles. It allows you to better feel the pedals and adjust the pressing force. Shoes should not be wide. Otherwise, the likelihood of a beginner accidentally pressing two pedals at the same time increases.

From outerwear, you should choose one that fits comfortably. Coats and jackets should be removed before getting into the car. Also, do not wear clothes with wide sleeves.

  1. Speed ​​selection.

You are given 2 minutes to complete all exercises on the race track. This is enough time to go through all the obstacles. To successfully complete tasks, you should not drive around the site. It is enough to move in first gear.

  1. Before starting, check whether the car's handbrake is released.

Quite often, novice drivers who are nervous forget that the car is held in place by the parking brake.

  1. Drive a lap around the race track before the test begins.

Not every instructor will agree to allow the examinee to complete one lap before performing the main exercises. This approach allows you to refresh your knowledge and skills.

Features of passing the exam

Before passing the site, it is necessary to evaluate its relief. The surface of most race tracks is laid at a certain angle, which can create certain difficulties when passing it. For example, after stopping it suddenly starts moving backwards. This circumstance must be taken into account during the exam.

As practice shows, you can complete all the exercises both at the very beginning and among the last examinees. However, it is the first ones who successfully pass the platform more often than others.

This is due to the fact that a long wait makes a person nervous. Accordingly, he becomes less confident. In addition, some examiners, seeing that all students have successfully completed the exercises, seek to stop this practice.

The exam is proceeding schematically in the following way: the student gets into the car, goes through all the specified exercises, stops the car and leaves it. If he did not make any mistakes, then the examiner does not report himself in any way. Otherwise, it sounds a sound signal, after which you must leave the car.

Innovations for other categories of transport

On September 1, 2016, new examination rules were introduced, which are valid in 2018 and apply to all types of vehicles.

Beginner motorcyclists must do the following:

  1. Maneuver in a limited area.
  2. Drive around the circuit with braking at the speed set by the examiner.
  3. Park the motorcycle.
  4. Make a stop in a place that is safe for boarding/disembarking people.

In addition, all examination actions that were carried out previously must now be completed in one go.

After listening to lectures, mastering the theory and before leaving for the city, any driver applicant needs to consolidate his practical skills on the race track. Moreover, the student is obliged to study and perfect the necessary elements to submit them to the traffic police officer.

Rules for taking the exam at the race track

The rules for taking the exam at the race track are the same for everyone. Immediately after getting into the car, the driver must fasten his seat belt. After completing each element, the vehicle is placed in neutral using the parking brake. As a rule, the inspector allows the test taker to make no more than two mistakes, while assigning penalty points; after the third mistake, the exam is considered failed, and the student will have to come back for a retake on another day.

If the exam is taken on the same car in which the instructor trained, there should be no problems and the exam will be passed the first time. If for some reason the vehicle had to be replaced just before the exam, nuances may arise related to the handling and dimensions of the car that the student is not used to.

The main exercises required to pass the traffic police include:

  • turn;
  • snake;
  • overpass;
  • parallel parking;
  • reversing entry.

The principle of completing tasks in the exam may differ from the one on which the instructor taught. This is explained by a possible change in the arrangement of the figures on the examination field. Among other things, it is necessary to pay special attention to the peculiarities of passing the exam at the race track.

These include:

  • time restrictions (no more than 10 minutes are allotted for completion);
  • all exercises are performed in one trip, and not in separate elements;
  • there is no possibility to re-execute an element after making an error;
  • The cones used as limiters are very low and difficult to notice while driving.

Correct execution of exercises on the racetrack is the key to a positive result and the ability to pass the exam the first time.

Technique for performing tasks

Passing the exam at the race track involves completing certain tasks. The technique of performing the exercises is clearly stated in the traffic rules and has detailed instructions.

1. U-turn.

The difficulty and inconvenience of this exercise is the limited space. The dealer’s task is to turn the car 180 degrees without hitting the limiters or hitting the median strips.

The beginning of the exercise on the race track is to approach the stop line and stop in front of it, which should not exceed 30 seconds. After starting to move, it is necessary to position the car so that its front wheels are located as close to the border as possible. Next, we change the direction of the wheels towards the opposite border by twisting the steering wheel. Having reached the opposite side, you need to turn the steering wheel to the right and drive in reverse gear until there is enough space in front of the vehicle to complete the maneuver. The end of the exercise is the approach to the finish line from which it began.

2. Snake.

This exercise requires great concentration, attentiveness and accuracy. It consists of maneuvering the car between cones placed at a certain distance from each other. If you hit or knock down one of them, you risk receiving a penalty point.

The exercise begins from the start line on the race track. The exercise is performed in first gear. The necessary elements for orientation are cones, wheels and car mirrors. It is necessary to rotate the steering wheel to the right until the left wheel intersects the imaginary line on which the flags are located. Then the steering wheel rotates in the opposite direction until the car is aligned parallel to the marks. After aligning the left mirror with the cone, the steering wheel is twisted to the left and the car goes onto new turn. The movement continues until the right wheel crosses the imaginary line. When the right mirror reaches the cone, the steering wheel turns to the right. Further passage of the element follows the same principles and ends at the finish line.

3. Overpass.

The main objective of this exercise is to determine whether the student has the skills to move up an inclined plane. The exercise itself is not difficult, but it requires a lot of concentration and smooth movements.

The exercise begins by squeezing the clutch and establishing first gear. Next, you need to smoothly increase the engine speed by pressing on the gas pedal without releasing the clutch pedal. We wait for the tachometer needle to reach the three thousand mark and only after that we slowly release the clutch. We reduce the speed to one thousand and fix the clutch pedal. Then we remove the vehicle from the handbrake and start moving, adjusting it with the gas pedal. The ideal performance of this element is considered to be a smooth movement. vehicle, without sudden movements or stops.

4. Parallel parking.

Parallel parking is one of the most important elements when passing the exam, although it usually does not cause any particular difficulties for future drivers. The purpose of the exercise is to drive in reverse into an imaginary limited area.

The exercise begins with moving forward and then stopping the vehicle when it reaches the pocket stop on the right. rear wheel. Then set the gear lever to the reverse mark and twist the steering wheel to the right. We continue to drive in reverse until the far corner flag is visible in the mirror. After this, you need to stop and fix the wheels in the forward direction. We continue driving in a straight direction until the wheels cross the limit line, after which we level the car and drive into the “pocket”.

5. Entering in reverse.

The essence of this exercise is to develop the skills of reversing in confined spaces, as well as the ability to use rear-view mirrors and correctly determine the distance to objects. When taking the exam for this element, great concentration, attentiveness and concentration are required.

After starting to move, when the right mirror reaches the right stop of the garage, we stop the car and turn the steering wheel to the left. We resume movement until the left limiter appears in the mirror. We stop and point the wheels straight. We set the reverse gear and move until the right rear door reaches the left limiter. We stop by turning the steering wheel to the right and continue driving very slowly. Using mirrors, we align the car until it is parallel to the side walls of the box. We stop, level the car straight and drive into the garage.

Only a responsible and attentive student can pass the exam without errors. You must also follow the guidelines for taking the test at the race track. First of all, you need to take care of your shoes. It should be comfortable, with flat soles. Heels and platforms significantly complicate the situation and reduce the sensitivity when pressing the pedals. You can come in your usual shoes and change your shoes directly at the race track.

The exam is always taken in the instructor’s car and it is necessary to clarify in advance what kind of car it will be. If it is the same as during training and training, there will be no problems. If another car is provided for the exam, unpleasant moments may arise due to ignorance of the structure and behavior of the proposed car.

Before driving on the race track, the driver must first fasten his seat belt to ensure personal safety and compliance with traffic rules. Having anxiety or lack of self-confidence can negatively affect the outcome of the exam. That is why before giving up you need to calm down and come to your senses. In no case should you show your skills and abilities during the exam if they are not stated to perform the elements.

Required documents

To undergo training at a driving school and then pass exams, the applicant must submit a full package of documents for consideration and prove his suitability to drive a vehicle.

At the traffic police, this means that the most important point of the exams begins - practice and, first of all, the race track. For category “B” there are a total of five examination elements (figures), but only three need to be done correctly at the discretion of the examination inspectors. So, this is an overpass (it is also called a slide), a snake, parallel parking, a courtyard and a U-turn. As a rule, everyone always does the slide.

How to go through the rest of the circuit?

Entrance to the garage (reverse)

This exercise involves driving a car in reverse into a limited space. In reality, this could be a garage, a parking space in a parking lot, etc.

In order to make this entry, you need to drive up to the marked “Start” line, slow down, that is, come to a complete stop. The car bumper should not protrude beyond the boundary line. Next, you should turn off the gear and put the vehicle on the parking brake. Then comes the entry into the box, stopping, again turning off the gear and handbrake.

The exercise is considered completed if the car is standing inside the makeshift garage and does not protrude beyond its boundaries with any part of it, including the side mirrors.

If you knock down any structural elements or cross the markings, you receive five penalty points, which means failure to complete the task.

Three points can be earned for the following violations: not turning off the gear, forgetting about the handbrake, and one point for stalling the engine.

Parallel parking (reverse)

In this case, the task is also to enter in reverse into a certain limited space. This exercise simulates driving between two cars. You need to drive up to the “Start” as in the first case. Next, start moving towards the limit line and, turning on reverse gear and turning the steering wheel, park the car, focusing on the special chips.

After entering, do not forget to shift the gear to neutral and apply the handbrake, after which the exercise is considered completed.

The student receives five points (that is, failure) for knocking down equipment, crossing horizontal markings on the site, or not crossing a special broken line. Three points - for not entering the parking lot during a one-time reverse gear shift, for not turning on neutral and the handbrake. One point, as in the above exercise, for the fact that the engine stalled.


Here you need to go around all the limiters without dropping them or driving outside the structure. The key to successfully completing a task is to turn the steering wheel quickly and correctly.

You need to stop at the “Start” line, turn off the gear and raise the handbrake. Next, you need to drive the snake without touching the limiters and without going beyond the solid side lines. The exercise is completed after the final stop at the “Stop” line.

Five points can be obtained for deviation from the desired trajectory, for crossing the stop line. Three and one points are given for the same violations as in previous exercises.

Turning around in limited space

You should make a 180 degree turn in a narrow “corridor”. The exercise begins and ends as in all the above cases.

A student receives five penalty points if marking equipment is knocked down, horizontal markings or stop lines are crossed.

"Gorka" or overpass

After stopping at the starting line, turning off the gear and raising the parking brake, you need to drive onto the overpass, park the car at the limit line and secure it with the handbrake, while releasing the brake pedal.

After completing all the necessary manipulations, the car must stop at the “Stop” line. This exercise is completed after putting the car on the handbrake.

Five points are given to those who knocked down structural elements, drove beyond the limit lines, forgot to secure the car on a hill, or allowed a rollback of more than 30 cm. Three points are given for the fact that the engine stalled, the gear was not turned off, and the parking brake was not raised.

It is worth noting that the exercise is graded as “Completed” or “Failed”.

The first is given if the student did not make a single mistake or the sum of points does not exceed five.

Watch a video about driving around the circuit:

Good luck at the circuit and be careful!

In the modern world, a person without a car is like a bird without wings. Someone may disagree, but statistics is a stubborn science, and you can’t argue with facts. After all, per thousand residents of our country there are on average about 260 cars, which means that more than a quarter of the population generally does not travel on foot. In addition, this figure is constantly growing rapidly, because every day someone buys a car. Yes, with cars everything looks quite simple, the main thing is that you have the funds to buy them, but with obtaining a driver’s license the situation becomes more complicated.

Factors to pay attention to when taking exercises on the circuit

Before giving the future driver the opportunity to go into the city, the MREO traffic police inspector must check how well the driving school student has mastered driving. Only after he demonstrates his ability to feel the dimensions of a car and the ability not only to park the car correctly, but also to reverse into the garage, will the student be allowed to take exams in the city.

This practice contributes to the accurate selection of driving school cadets even in the conditions of the race track. Those whose preparation is not good enough and who can create an emergency situation on the road are immediately “screened out” without going any further.

Interesting to know! The first driving instructors were not exactly strict teachers, but more like advisers. At that time, there were no regulated traffic rules, and instructions on how to drive a vehicle correctly were invented at the driving school itself. During the courses, students only examined examples of various types of traffic accidents and only guessed how to behave in such cases. Usually these situations were quite funny. For example, we learned how to drive a car when there is a horse-drawn cart nearby.

Documents for passing the exam at the race track

The following list of documents is required for admission to the exams at the race track:

- two copies of color photographs 3.5 x 4.5 cm on a matte basis.

A medical certificate indicating suitability to drive certain categories of vehicles.

A passport or a document that can replace it, and which indicates registration at the place of registration or stay.

Identification code.

An examination card issued by a driving school.

What clothes to choose?

The answer to this question is extremely simple - the one in which you are most comfortable in the car and learning to drive. But we will still give you some instructions regarding comfortable equipment for the race track.

The first is shoes. It is better to wear sneakers with thin soles or sneakers. And the thinner the sole, the better. In such shoes you can control the force of pressing the pedals well, and this will be useful to you. Sneakers should not be very wide, because otherwise you can inadvertently press two pedals at the same time with one “fin”.

For future car drivers, it is not recommended to wear heels. If the weather conditions outside are unsuitable for such shoes, then take a change with you, like at school. It will not bother you, but after changing your shoes in the car, you will feel more comfortable, and, consequently, more confident. An inconvenient weather option will cause a lot of trouble.

The second is clothes. Everything is simple here too. Choose it to make you as comfortable as possible. It is better to remove heavy outer clothing that restricts movement and place it in the back seat. We do not recommend wearing anything with wide sleeves. Baggy clothes or various types of overalls will not work. It’s better to equip yourself with some light sports gear.

Girls and women should not show off at the race track in miniskirts and stiletto heels. Everyone understands that you always want to remain beautiful, but this is a driving test, not a selection of fashion models. The same applies to guys and men in expensive business suits.

Do you need sedatives with you, and is it worth using them?

As a rule, future drivers prepare themselves in advance for the fact that they will be very worried during the exam. And therefore, out of habit, they consume all the most effective sedatives. But this is not a panacea for the problem, but rather, on the contrary, its “escalator”. Such medications slow down a person’s reaction, nullifying all exam results. It is recommended not to take these drugs. It’s better to do a little auto-training to set yourself up for a successful result.

Technique for correct exercises

As we said in the previous section, it is better to calm down as much as possible and tune in only to a positive result. You don’t lose anything by getting behind the wheel of a training car - an apartment, for example. Therefore, we will give you a few practical advice, which will help you pass the exam well at the race track.

1. Leave everything unnecessary at home or somewhere outside the car, because it will distract you from the only main thing at the moment - the exam. Your head shouldn’t be filled with whoever texted you, or “at least don’t forget your umbrella.”

2. Try to be one of the first to complete all the exercises. After all, looking at other people's mistakes and failures, you will become more depressed, and this will affect your emotional state and will try to unsettle you.

3. Don't constantly think about how to pass this exam. If someone has already performed the exercises before you, carefully analyze all the mistakes they made and try to avoid them. This is perhaps the most valuable experience you will have on exam day.

4. Turn off all communications. Any calls, SMS, messages to social media, which boil down to one thing - empathy, will simply distract you from performing any exercise. It’s a shame to make a mistake because of worried relatives and friends.

5. Wear only comfortable and practical clothes and shoes.

6. It is advisable to arrive at the circuit as early as possible and talk with the instructor about taking an additional lap around the circuit. This way you will secure in Once again all the elements and you will wait your turn with peace of mind.

7. And most importantly, don’t worry! Remember that you will succeed!

This is interesting! Previously, the main focus in the first driving schools was not on teaching driving and traffic rules, but on how to properly repair a car. Since there weren’t many cars yet, the specialists repairing them could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Thus, the practice was not carried out on the race track, but somewhere in a pit, where the students were taught how to operate a car.

Customize your car

Before you begin the test, you must carefully prepare your driver's seat:

1. Adjust the seat first. Move forward and backward, press the pedals. You need to find the most comfortable position. Then carefully adjust the backrest of the driver's seat.

3. And third, you should remove the car from the handbrake before starting to move, otherwise the engine may stall. Also, you can’t do this while driving, you will have the feeling that someone is holding your car tightly. At the end of the exercises, do not forget to move the gearbox lever to the neutral position and put the car on the handbrake.

How to enter the garage

The essence of this exercise is to drive the car in reverse into a certain limited space. In a real situation, it could be a garage or a parking lot. To make this entry, drive up to the “Start” line and come to a complete stop. The car's bumper must not protrude beyond the boundary line. Then put the car in neutral and put the handbrake on. Next you need to drive into the box, stop, turn off the gear again and use the handbrake again.

The exercise is completed successfully if the car is inside the box and none of its parts extends beyond it.

If any elements of an improvised structure are knocked down or markings are crossed, then the person taking the exam receives a five point penalty, and this automatically leads to failure to complete the task. Three more points can be deducted for the following violations: the gear was not turned off, the handbrake was forgotten, and one more point for a stalled engine.

How to parallel park correctly

In this case, it is necessary to solve a problem similar to the previous one regarding driving in reverse into an improvised space. This exercise simulates parking between two parked cars.

As in the first option, you need to drive up to the “Start” marking. After that, move to the limit line in reverse gear. Rotate the steering wheel to park the car. Special chips will serve as a guide. After parking, do not forget to shift the gearshift lever to the neutral position and apply the parking brake. Only after this can the completed exercise be considered completely completed.

The student receives a failure for knocking down equipment and crossing a special broken mark. Three points are deducted for shifting into reverse once and not applying neutral or the handbrake. And, as in the previous exercise, one point is deducted for a stalled engine. In this part of the exam you need to go around all the limiting elements.

They must not be touched or knocked over. The key to successfully performing the exercise is to quickly rotate the steering wheel.

Stop at the “Start” line, switch off the gear and raise the parking brake lever. Next, drive through the snake without hitting any limiters and without going beyond the solid side roads. The exercise is considered completed after a complete stop at the “Stop” line.

Interesting to know! Perhaps the most interesting thing about the first driving schools was teaching students the skills to protect passengers from suddenly attacking criminals. Most of the cars of the early twentieth century were open-topped, and many passengers were exclusively members of the aristocracy and wealthy families. Therefore, the question was raised regarding their protection in force majeure situations. These are the miracles they taught in the first driving schools.

Turning around in a confined space correctly

This exercise involves performing a 180 degree turn in a narrow space. The beginning and end of the exercise is similar to all of the above. The student fails the exercise if he knocks down the marking elements, crosses the horizontal markings or the “Stop” line.

We drive onto the overpass without making mistakes

When the car is at the “Start” line, the gears are off, and the parking brake is raised, you can begin the “Overpass” exercise. It consists of driving onto an overpass, stopping the car at the limit line, turning off the gear and raising the handbrake lever, while releasing the brake pedal. The exercise begins with the most difficult part - starting from a place. The car should not roll back more than 30 cm. Once completed, the vehicle must be stopped at the stop sign and the parking brake applied.

Five penalty points are awarded for knocking down restrictive elements, not securing the car on a hill, driving beyond the restrictive lines, and rolling back more than 0.3 meters. Three points are deducted for a stalled engine, a gear not turned off, or a forgotten handbrake.

We carry out the sequence of actions slowly

You shouldn't drive on a race track. You need to move steadily in first gear or reverse. It depends on the nature of the exercise being performed. If once again Do not pull the box, you can better adapt to the exercises.

May 28, 2014 47193 Comments to the entry Exercises on the race track disabled

Exercises on the circuit

Basic driving skills

Exercises on the racetrack will help you thoroughly hone your car driving skills. Experienced teachers and driving instructors will help you learn the basic skills that will be useful in everyday driving.

  • Start moving very slowly. This is the most important skill where good practice begins. No one will rush you; by moving slowly, you can be guaranteed to complete the given exercises. The main goal is to perform the exercises on the racetrack correctly.
  • Learn to constantly control the movement of the steering wheel to ensure the correct course of the car.
  • Try to park the car straight, the wheels should be level, which means that when driving, your car will immediately go straight. It is important that you clearly know that the car will only go straight.
  • Learn to constantly monitor the situation on the road. Look in the side mirrors and especially the rear view mirror. You must learn to analyze the situation overboard and see all the manipulations of traffic participants around your car.
  • Learn to feel the dimensions of your car for the right choice landmarks and performing exercises on the race track.

All of the above points are the main ones in mastering a vehicle at the very initial stage of training. Over time, you will perform all the exercises automatically, without even thinking about the technique of performing them. It is important to thoroughly master the basics.

Before arriving at the race track, work through the exercises that you will begin to practice with an instructor mentally. Scroll through your head what actions you need to take to complete the exercise. Having mentally imagined the situation, it will be much easier for you to carry out exercises on the race track in practice. Important point– You need to perform exercises while driving in comfortable clothes and shoes. This especially applies to representatives of the fair sex. No high heels while driving!

Correct driving position

The movement of the car begins with the driver's convenient accessibility to use the necessary switches to move the car. This means that the driver must adjust the seat, seat back, and steering wheel to the length of his arms, legs and torso. Your weight should be transferred only to the seat. Free, easy access to the car pedals. Legs are bent, without tension or trembling. Your knees should not touch the steering wheel. In general, while driving, you should not be tense. The driver is attentive, focused and at the same time enjoys driving.

Correctly position your hands on the steering wheel

Imagine a clock face. Left hand- from nine o'clock to half past ten, right hand - from half past two to three o'clock. All. This is the correct hand placement. Hold the steering wheel with both hands. And know that it will be much easier for you to perform exercises on the race track if you hold the steering wheel correctly in your hands.

Press the pedals correctly

If your car has a manual transmission, then we work with three pedals. The location is as follows: first the clutch pedal, the second pedal is the brake, the third is the gas. Left leg only works with the clutch pedal. It works smoothly and quickly, according to the principle of pressing and releasing. The clutch is always engaged.

The right foot works in turn with two pedals - either the brake or the gas. The heel of the right foot, without leaving the floor, alternately works with the brake and gas pedals and is located under the brake pedal.

General information before the exam

Driving school graduates who have already passed the theory exam are allowed to perform exercises on the race track. You must arrive at the race track at a certain place by a certain time. Do not take any sedative medications before taking the exam! Their effect on your body may slow down your reaction.

Don’t worry, calm down, the race track is not the most difficult section. In the driving school you have thoroughly studied the exercises on the racing track. The examiner will ask you to perform only three exercises out of the five studied, including driving on an overpass.
