Anaerobic threshold, lactate threshold, pano. Workouts to increase pano: tempo running How to determine oxygen consumption at pano level

Anaerobic threshold(AnP) - the level of oxygen consumption, above which the anaerobic production of high-energy phosphates (ATP) complements the aerobic synthesis of ATP with a subsequent decrease in the redox state of the cytoplasm, an increase in the L/P ratio, and the production of lactate by cells in a state of anaerobiosis (ANP).

Basic information

When performing high-intensity exercise, sooner or later the delivery of oxygen to the cells becomes insufficient. As a result, cells are forced to obtain energy not only aerobically (oxidative phosphorylation), but also through anaerobic glycolysis. Normally, NADH*H+ formed during glycolysis transfers protons to the electron transport chain of mitochondria, but due to a lack of oxygen they accumulate in the cytoplasm and inhibit glycolysis. To allow glycolysis to continue, they begin to transfer protons to pyruvate to form lactic acid. Lactic acid under physiological conditions is dissociated into a lactate ion and a proton. Lactate ions and protons leave the cells into the blood. Protons begin to be buffered by the bicarbonate buffer system, releasing excess non-metabolic CO 2 . When buffering occurs, the level of standard plasma bicarbonates decreases.

The value of the anaerobic threshold in actively trained athletes is approximately equal to 90% of MOC.

Not all runners (especially veterans) experience a bend in the heart rate curve on the speed graph in this test.

V-slope speed ratio method

It is implemented when performing a load to failure using the ramp protocol type. A graph is constructed of the dependence of the rate of CO2 release on the rate of O2 consumption. The occurrence of a sharp sudden increase in the graph determines the onset of the threshold of lactic acidosis. Actually, the appearance of excess non-metabolic CO2 is determined. The threshold determined from gas analysis data is called gas exchange or ventilatory. It is worth noting that the Ventilatory Threshold usually occurs at a Respiratory Coefficient level of 0.8-1 and therefore determining it when a Respiratory Coefficient reaches 1 is a very rough approximation. It is unacceptable to make such an approximation.

  • 6. The concept of disadaptation, loss of adaptation and readaptation, the “price” of adaptation.
  • 7. The main functional effects of adaptation (economization, mobilization, increasing reserve capabilities, accelerating recovery processes, stability and reliability of functions).
  • 8. Indicators of fitness under resting conditions, under testing (standard) and maximum (competition) loads.
  • 9. The concept of immediate, delayed and cumulative training effect.
  • 10. Functional reserves of the body and their classification. Mobilization of functional reserves.
  • 11. Postures and static efforts. The Lingard phenomenon.
  • 12. Classification of sports movements and exercises according to physiological criteria.
  • 13. Physiological characteristics of sports exercises of aerobic power.
  • 14. Physiological characteristics of sports exercises of anaerobic power.
  • 15. Characteristics of cyclic exercises of different relative power: maximum, submaximal, large and moderate.
  • 17. General characteristics of stereotypical acyclic movements.
  • 18. Characteristics of strength and speed-strength exercises. Explosive efforts.
  • 19. Targeted exercises, their effect on various body systems.
  • 20. Characteristics of movements assessed in points, their impact on oxygen demand, consumption and oxygen debt, the functioning of autonomic systems, the development of sensory systems and skeletal muscles.
  • 21. Characteristics of situational movements and sports (sports games, martial arts and cross-country).
  • 22. Leading physical qualities that determine performance in your sport. Physiological methods for their assessment.
  • 23. Muscle hypertrophy, types of hypertrophy. The influence of various types of working muscle hypertrophy on the development of muscle strength and endurance.
  • 24. Mechanisms of intramuscular and intermuscular coordination in the regulation of muscle tension. The influence of sympathetic nerves on the manifestation of muscle strength.
  • 25. Maximum muscle strength. Maximum voluntary strength. Physiological mechanisms of regulation of muscle tension. Strength deficit.
  • 26. Physiological features of muscle strength training with dynamic and static exercises.
  • 27. Physiological mechanisms for the development of speed (speed) of movements. Elementary forms of manifestation of speed (single movements, motor reaction, changing cycles of movements).
  • 28. Physiological factors determining the development of speed and strength qualities. Features of the manifestation of speed-strength qualities in your sport.
  • 29. Speed-strength exercises. Central and peripheral factors determining the speed-strength characteristics of movements.
  • 31. Genetic and trainable factors of endurance.
  • 32. Changes in heart rate during dynamic and static muscle work. Monitoring the intensity of aerobic exercise by heart rate. Heart rate as a criterion for the severity of muscle work.
  • 33. Maximum anaerobic power and maximum anaerobic capacity are the basis of anaerobic endurance.
  • 35. Threshold of anaerobic metabolism (pano) and its use in the training process. Concept of aerobic capacity and efficiency.
  • 36. Muscle composition and aerobic endurance. Blood supply to skeletal muscles under various modes of contraction and its relationship with performance.
  • 38. The concept of flexibility. Factors limiting flexibility. Active and passive flexibility. The influence of warm-up, fatigue, and ambient temperature on flexibility.
  • 40. Motor skills and abilities. Physiological mechanisms of motor skills formation. The significance of sensory and operant temporal connections.
  • 41. The importance of previously developed coordination (unconditioned reflexes and acquired skills) for the formation of motor skills.
  • 42. Stability and variability of components of motor skills. The significance of the motor dynamic stereotype and extrapolation in the formation of a motor skill.
  • 43. Stages of motor skills formation (generalization of excitation, concentration of excitation, stabilization and automation of the skill).
  • 44. Automation of movements, its dependence on the size of the body mass being moved, fatigue, and excitability of cortical zones.
  • 45. Autonomic components of motor skill, their stability.
  • 46. ​​Programming a motor act. Factors preceding movement programming (afferent synthesis, decision making).
  • 47. Feedback and additional information and their role in the formation and improvement of motor skills. Speech regulation of movements.
  • 48. Motor memory, its importance for the formation of motor skills.
  • 49. Stability of motor skills. Factors that impair the stability of skills. Loss of skill components when systematic training is stopped.
  • 51. Warm-up, its types and impact on body systems. The effect of warm-up on performance. Warm-up duration. Features of warm-up in your sport.
  • 52. Working in, its duration when performing exercises of various types. Physiological patterns and mechanisms of development.
  • 53. “Dead point” and “second wind”. The main changes in the body during these conditions.
  • 55. Fatigue during muscular work. Features of fatigue in exercises of varying power and with different types of physical exercise.
  • 56. Theories of fatigue. Central and peripheral mechanisms of fatigue. Features of the manifestation of fatigue in your sport.
  • 57. Compensated (hidden) and uncompensated (overt) fatigue. Chronic fatigue, overwork and overtraining.
  • 58. Recovery processes during and after muscular work and their general characteristics. Recovery phases.
  • 60. Oxygen demand in exercises of varying power. Oxygen debt and its fractions.
  • 61. Means that accelerate recovery processes. Active rest, its importance for increasing performance and efficiency after various types of muscular work.
  • 62. Age periodization of the development of physiological functions in ontogenesis.
  • 63. Age-related features of the development of motor qualities and the formation of motor skills.
  • 70. Development of motor qualities in women.
  • 71. The influence of training on increasing the functional capabilities of the female body.
  • 72. Physiological features of sports training for women.
  • 73. The influence of various phases of WMC on the sports performance of women.
  • 74. Physiological characteristics of muscle activity under conditions of elevated ambient temperature. Water-salt regime of an athlete.
  • 75. Working hyperthermia in athletes. The influence of elevated body temperature on performance when performing physical exercises of various maximum durations.
  • 76. Hypoxia in mid-altitude conditions and its effect on aerobic and anaerobic performance.
  • 77. Physiological basis for increasing aerobic endurance during training in mid- and high-altitude conditions.
  • 78. Physiological characteristics of muscle activity in conditions of low environmental temperature (using the example of winter sports).
  • 79. Hypokinesia and its influence on the functional state of the body of children and adults. Physiological justification for the use of physical activity for health purposes.
  • 80. The influence of physical exercise on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the muscular system of mature people during physical education.
  • 81. Human physical health and its criteria. Physiological bases for normalizing the general physical performance of people of different sexes and ages.
  • A decrease in the concentration of lactate in the blood contributes to an increase in a very important indicator -

    anaerobic metabolism threshold (ANT), the load value at which the concentration of lactic acid in the blood exceeds 4 mmol/l. PANO is an indicator of the aerobic capacity of the body and has a direct connection with sports results in endurance sports. In trained athletes, PANO is achieved only when oxygen consumption is more than 80% of MPC, and in untrained individuals - already at 45-60% of MPC. High aerobic capacity (MPC) in highly qualified athletes is determined by high cardiac performance, i.e. IOC, which is achieved by increasing mainly the systolic blood volume, and their heart rate at maximum load is even lower than that of untrained individuals.

    An increase in systolic volume results from two main changes in the heart:

    1) increase in the volume of the heart cavities (dilatation);

    2) increased myocardial contractility.

    One of the constant changes in the activity of the heart during the development of endurance is

    resting bradycardia (up to 40-50 beats/min and below), as well as working bradycardia caused by

    a decrease in sympathetic influences and a relative predominance of parasympathetic ones.

    36. Muscle composition and aerobic endurance. Blood supply to skeletal muscles under various modes of contraction and its relationship with performance.

    Endurance largely depends on the muscular system, in particular on muscle composition, i.e. ratio of fast and slow muscle fibers. IN skeletal muscles Among outstanding athletes specializing in endurance sports, the proportion of slow fibers reaches 80% of all muscle fibers of the trained muscle, i.e. 1.5-2 times more than in untrained individuals. Numerous studies show that the predominance of slow fibers is genetically predetermined, and the ratio of fast and slow muscle fibers practically does not change under the influence of training, but some fast glycolytic fibers can turn into fast oxidative fibers.

    One of the effects of endurance training is an increase in the thickness of muscle fibers, i.e. their working hypertrophy of the sarcoplasmic type, which is accompanied by an increase in the number and size of mitochondria inside muscle fibers, the number of capillaries per one muscle fiber and on the cross-sectional area of ​​the muscle.

    Significant biochemical changes occur in muscles during endurance training:

    1) increase in the activity of enzymes of oxidative metabolism;

    2) increase in myoglobin content;

    3) increase in glycogen and lipid content (up to 50% compared to untrained muscles);

    4) increasing the ability of muscles to oxidize carbohydrates and especially fats.

    A trained body has relatively more energy

    during prolonged work it is obtained due to the oxidation of fats. This promotes economical use of muscle glycogen and reduces lactate in muscles.

    37. Dexterity as a manifestation of the coordination abilities of the nervous system. Agility indicators. The importance of sensory systems, basic and additional information about movements on the manifestation of dexterity. The ability to relax muscles, its effect on coordination of movements.

    Dexterity is the ability to perform complex coordinated movements, the manifestation of high coordination abilities of the nervous system, i.e. complex interaction of excitation and inhibition processes in motor nerve centers.

    Agility also includes the ability to create new motor acts and motor skills, and quickly switch from one movement to another when the situation changes.

    The criteria for agility are coordination complexity, accuracy of movements and speed of execution.

    The program (spatio-temporal structure of muscle excitation) of complexly coordinated movements, as well as basic information arriving through various sensory systems, leave certain traces in nervous system, which, when performed repeatedly, promotes memorization of both the program and the resulting sensations, i.e. formation of motor memory.

    The sequence and time parameters of various phases of movements that are simple in structure are preserved in memory quite well, but movements that have a complex structure, i.e. requiring dexterity are less resilient. Therefore, even highly qualified athletes do not show their best results every time when repeatedly performing complex movements.

    Excessively frequent and prolonged performance of complexly coordinated movements can lead to the development of overtraining due to overstrain of the mobility of nervous processes. At the same time, the development of coordination abilities contributes to the economization of functions. Thanks to the fine coordination of muscle contraction, energy consumption for work is reduced, there is no excessive excitation of motor centers, and the processes of excitation and inhibition clearly interact.

    Consequently, the development of dexterity increases performance and delays muscle fatigue.

  • Anaerobic threshold(AnP) - the level of oxygen consumption, above which the anaerobic production of high-energy phosphates (ATP) complements the aerobic synthesis of ATP with a subsequent decrease in the redox state of the cytoplasm, an increase in the L/P ratio, and the production of lactate by cells in a state of anaerobiosis (ANP).

    Encyclopedic YouTube

      1 / 3

      ✪ Part 4-2 Acyclic #aerobics, vascular cleaning, #anaerobic threshold Methodology #OFK #Seluyanov

      ✪ PANO/MPK - Butkyavichus Sergey

      ✪ ch3-10 #Vessels, #cholesterol, atherosclerosis, hormones, Sports adaptology #OFK #Seluyanov


    Basic information

    When performing high-intensity exercise, sooner or later the delivery of oxygen to the cells becomes insufficient. As a result, cells are forced to obtain energy not only aerobically (oxidative phosphorylation), but also through anaerobic glycolysis. Normally, NADH*H+ formed during glycolysis transfers protons to the electron transport chain of mitochondria, but due to a lack of oxygen they accumulate in the cytoplasm and inhibit glycolysis. To allow glycolysis to continue, they begin to transfer protons to pyruvate to form lactic acid. Lactic acid under physiological conditions is dissociated into a lactate ion and a proton. Lactate ions and protons leave the cells into the blood. Protons begin to be buffered by the bicarbonate buffer system, releasing excess non-metabolic CO 2 . When buffering occurs, the level of standard plasma bicarbonates decreases.

    The value of the anaerobic threshold in actively trained athletes is approximately equal to 90% of MOC.

    Not all runners (especially veterans) experience a bend in the heart rate curve on the speed graph in this test.

    V-slope speed ratio method

    It is implemented when performing a load to failure using the ramp protocol type. A graph is constructed of the dependence of the rate of CO2 release on the rate of O2 consumption. The occurrence of a sharp sudden increase in the graph determines the onset of the threshold of lactic acidosis. Actually, the appearance of excess non-metabolic CO2 is determined. The threshold determined from gas analysis data is called gas exchange or ventilatory. It is worth noting that the Ventilatory Threshold usually occurs at a Respiratory Coefficient level of 0.8-1 and therefore determining it when a Respiratory Coefficient reaches 1 is a very rough approximation. It is unacceptable to make such an approximation.

    Ways to enlarge

    To increase the muscle's ability to process lactate, which increases overall running speed by long distances, it is recommended that interval, mountain, tempo and competition training be carried out in a range that starts from a level 10% below the anaerobic threshold and ends at the anaerobic threshold level.

    It is necessary to normalize the trophotropic function of the body (detoxification baths, fasting and dietary therapy, normalization of sleep, nutrition, etc.); restoration of the ergotropic function of the body (physical and hypoxic training, hardening, hyperbaric oxygenation, etc.).

    Some of the most important characteristics for a long-distance runner are HR (heart rate), VO2max (maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max)) and ANOT (anaerobic metabolic threshold). We will look at how to measure the last component without resorting to laboratory tests in this article.

    The running intensity at which there is a transition from an aerobic energy supply system to a partially anaerobic one with the formation and increase in the rate of accumulation of lactic acid levels from slow to fast is called ANOT (anaerobic metabolic threshold).

    The ability to control the rise in lactic acid levels at increasing running speeds is very important for the middle and long distance runner.

    Accordingly, if your training program is chosen correctly, then the increase in the rate of lactate accumulation should shift towards higher speed, and closer to maximum heart rate. In other words, you can run longer with a higher heart rate and therefore at a faster pace.

    Knowing your lactate threshold level is essential if you are working on improving your athletic performance. After all, training should be carried out both at a pace above this very threshold, and a little lower (threshold training).

    Creating individual intensity zones in which you work should be based on knowing the pace or heart rate at which lactic acid in the blood spikes.

    The test takes place in the laboratory in the following way- the runner starts running on the track at a low speed, then gradually accelerates to his maximum. At all stages, blood samples are taken from him and the concentration of lactic acid in him is measured. Once the test is completed, the collected data is used to create a graph in which one of the axes is pace or heart rate, and the other is the amount of lactate in the blood. This makes it possible to accurately determine the place where the accumulation of lactic acid begins to increase sharply (non-linearly). For trained athletes, this point corresponds to approximately 85% of maximum heart rate, and the level begins to decrease somewhere between the transition from 10 km competition pace to a half marathon.

    Not every amateur runner can afford such a test, since it is expensive and is not always available in his city. And even if you manage to undergo this procedure, it will still be very difficult to perform it with the required frequency (once every 6-8 weeks).

    Fortunately, there is an alternative to laboratory testing. Below are three ways to calculate your ANSP level.

    1. Joe Friel Method

    This method, proposed by the famous American triathlon coach Joe Friel, is a 30-minute race on a track with a 1% slope, stadium or other surface that does not interfere with fast and long running and makes it possible to accurately determine the distance covered. The only measuring instruments needed are a stopwatch and a heart rate monitor. The test must be carried out fresh and rested.

    Start with a few minutes of running at an easy warm-up pace. After that, time yourself and run for half an hour at the maximum pace you can maintain for that time. Avoid the common mistake of starting too quickly and losing pace due to fatigue at the end; try to distribute your strength correctly and maintain an even pace. This may affect the accuracy of the test. After 10 minutes of running, record your heart rate (you can also measure your heart rate every 5 minutes for the last 20 minutes). At the end of the race, measure your pulse again. Sum up all the values ​​and, depending on the number of measurements, divide the resulting amount by 2 (or 4). This figure is the heart rate at which you reach your PANO.

    2. Method based on competitive indicators

    Knowing the runner's PANO, you can predict the time he will show during the race. This relationship also works in reverse. Using your personal bests you can set the pace needed to reach your lactate threshold.

    We suggest considering coach Greg McMillan's running calculator for this purpose. Simply enter your last competition time in the appropriate box and click “Submit.” At the top of the results page you will see “vLT” with numbers opposite it (in the upper right corner of the page there is an option to change the “miles/kilometers” modes). This is your pace to achieve ANNO. Now do an experiment similar to the first, with the only difference that you should accelerate to the pace indicated in the calculator (the best way to track your pace is a watch with a GPS sensor or a mobile phone). running app). Run at this pace until your heart rate stabilizes, then record it. Now you have the heart rate at which you should perform threshold training.

    3. Conconi test

    One more is enough in a simple way To determine your anaerobic threshold based on heart rate indicators, there is a test invented by Italian professor Francesco Conconi. To carry it out you will need the following:

    • Treadmill
    • Heart rate monitor
    • An assistant that will record your heart rate results.

    Before starting the test, warm up well for 10 minutes. Set the treadmill speed to a speed that you feel comfortable with and that matches your easy running pace. For example, it will be 9 km/h. After 200m, increase your speed by 0.5 km, at which time your assistant should note your heart rate. Continue to increase your speed by 0.5 km every 200 m while constantly recording your heart rate until your heart rate responds to the change in speed (most often this happens at 180-200 beats/min).

    Using the data obtained, build a graph with speed on one axis and the corresponding heart rate value on the second. Initially, your heart rate will increase linearly with your speed, but at the point where your heart rate will no longer increase with speed, a break point will occur. This will be your pulse during PANO.

    A similar test can be performed at a 400m stadium, but for this you will need sports watch with heart rate monitor and speed tracking functions.
